Album Is finished and It is reaching it's release date and I can't help but feel grateful and happy it's all been accomplished by just me. I'm the Producer, singer, mixer, and on top of that a Transgender woman of color, who lives everyday on the skin of my teeth! I am going to celebrate this at that midnight hour. I did this... all by myself. I made my own brand to start off with and although it is not the most popular, it has potential. I'm proud of myself, and each day I push myself to get better, because I always stay humble and continue to work on my music quality. I wanna be big someday, I just believe I can be. My first ALBUM!!! Like omggg I can't believe it's been 3 months in the making!.. Physical Copies have been made and I was able to give two to my supporters and many more in stock. (Lol like 10 that was expensiveeee). It's all a dream come true. People have actually bought my album! And I've made 50$ dollars so far, and over $1300 in a fundraiser just to push my self actualization forward. I have been blessed! I can breathe, walk, talk, sleep, and eat. SPOTIFY, TIDAL, APPLE MUSIC, release date!! I know that there are artist there already, but for me, It's more than that, It's completion. In my eyes I am successful. Imma take a drink at midnight Aug 19th.
Forever grateful, Chrystal
Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to listen to it 🥰